I had the immense privilege of going under the bonnet with Ngai Tahu’s vision and strategy team and helping them to bring their visions of a preferred future for Māori to life. They are developing future scenarios to communicate how to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to catalyse new opportunities and create new pathways for Māori to lead and shape their future.
This was a dream job for me; making 10 page documents that will seldom be read, into an image that is tangible and accessible for everyday people to understand. In this one image, we explored underlying values, preferable outcomes and a range of scenarios. We show the effects of colonisation, and the shift to valuing and leading from an indigenous framework.
I'm proud to say that my 6 year old daughter can get the gist of this, and unlike the 10 page document felt compelled to look at it, and was drawn in by the simple cartoon narratives - proving how powerful this form of visualising is as a communication tool.
